Ciudad de Nueva York: Tour de degustación de comida italiana en Little Italy

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Savor the flavors of Italy on a food tour of Manhattan’s most colorful neighborhood, Little Italy. Sample pizzas, prosciutto, and cheeses while learning about the area's history and culture.

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  • Saborea deliciosas pizzas, pasteles frescos y quesos en la Pequeña Italia de Nueva York
  • Conoce la historia de la inmigración a Nueva York a principios del siglo XX
  • Visita panaderías y pizzerías familiares para conocer la tradición alimentaria local
  • Descubre el depósito de contrabando de Nueva York durante la prohibición en Curb Exchange
  • Ver lugares de rodaje de películas de 'El Padrino' y 'Donnie Brasco' en Little Italy


Immerse yourself in the food culture of Little Italy on a 2-hour tasting tour, and visit 4 different venues in the famous New York neighborhood. Every venue you will visit is more than a century old, and the tastings will make up the equivalent of a 4-course lunch. Start at La Bella Ferrara, the delighting denizens of Little Italy since the late 1800s, and get some of its Italian Rainbow cookies. Then, visit the family-owned Di Palo's, the century-old Italian specialty food store operated since 1925, where making mozzarella has been a family tradition. The fresh mozzarella prosciutto and parmesan cheese you'll taste and would love to go back for more. Then, go to Nolita Pizza to experience their high quality services and delicious pizza using important Italian cheese. Along the way to Ferrara Bakery, your guide will point out movie locations from blockbuster films, such as “The Godfather,” “Donnie Brasco,” “Mean Streets,” and “Sex and the City.” Next, see the bootlegging depot from the days of Prohibition, and discover a square named after New York's first Italian detective. Finally, peek inside St. Patrick's Cathedral to see where high-profile weddings and memorials take place before concluding your tour. IMPORTANT - Please provide an active contact telephone number to ensure your guide can reach you if necessary. - Punctuality is crucial. To respect your tour guide and fellow customers time, it is essential that the tour concludes on time. If a group is especially enjoying a location or moving slowly, the guide will adjust the itinerary to fit the schedule. We strive to ensure you have a fantastic experience without missing any content.


Guía profesional Deliciosas degustaciones de comida italiana Acceso sin colas

Important Information

  • - Por favor, lleva calzado cómodo y pantalones holgados - Si la excursión no tiene 5 participantes, tu actividad puede cancelarse. En tal caso, recibirás un reembolso o la opción de reservar otra fecha - La excursión funciona llueva o haga sol

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Cancela con hasta 24 horas de antelación y recibe un reembolso completo


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