Greenwich Village Guided Tour

Retket/kierrokset Kulttuuri ja historia Aktiviteetit Good for groups Kävelykierrokset Esteetön pyörätuolilla Nähtävyyskierrokset Teemaretket Tapaa paikallisia Risteily- ja vesiretket Arkkitehtuuri Historia ja perinne Ryhmäaktiviteetit Perheille sopiva Brooklyn Walking Tours

Explore New York City's vibrant Greenwich Village on a guided walking tour. Discover the neighborhood full of Celebrity homes, movie locations, history, culture, and great food.


  • Tutustu Washington Sq. Parkin ikoninen kaari, vilkkaat esiintyjät ja rikas historia.
  • Vieraile legendaarisessa Cafe Whassa, jossa Bob Dylan ja Jimi Hendrix esiintyivät aikoinaan.
  • Kävele Bleecker Streetin italialaisen kylän läpi.
  • Katso monia julkkisten asuntoja ja elokuvapaikkoja.
  • Päätä kierros rakastetun FRIENDS-tv-sarjan kuuluisassa rakennuksessa.


Join us for an unforgettable journey through the heart of Greenwich Village, one of New York City's most iconic neighborhoods. Our tour begins at Waverly Place near 6th Avenue and takes you past the historic Washington Square Hotel. We'll visit Washington Square Park, a beloved Gathering spot filled with artistic and cultural significance. Stroll down West 3rd Street to see Anderson Cooper's residence and see the colorful Rico Fonseca murals. Walk down MacDougal Street to the legendary Cafe Wha, a venue that has hosted countless musical legends. Continue along Minetta Lane to the IFC Center, an independent film lover's haven, and through the bustling Bleecker Street, known for its Italian heritage and charm. Discover the historic significance of Jones Street, famously Featured on a Bob Dylan album cover. Enjoy a stop at Marie's Crisis, a lively piano bar, and see the narrowest house in New York on Bedford Street. Our tour also includes a visit to Chumley's, the famous Prohibition-era speakeasy, and concludes at the iconic FRIENDS apartment building. Along the way, you'll hear fascinating stories and little-known facts that bring the spirit of Greenwich Village to life. This tour is perfect for history buffs, culture enthusiasts, and anyone looking to experience the unique charm of the Greenwich Village.


Walking Tour Local Tour Guide Private Tour (if private option selected)

Important Information

  • Wear weather appropriate clothing, the tour is completely done by walking.

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