New York City: Ghost Walk and Paranormal Tour

12 Arvostelut
Retket/kierrokset Kausi- ja juhlapyhämatkat Kävelykierrokset Esteetön pyörätuolilla Nähtävyyskierrokset Halloween-aktiviteetit Aave- ja vampyyriretket Brooklyn Walking Tours

Prepare to be spooked on a 2-hour Ghost walk of New York City, and discover Paranormal activity in the “City That Never Sleeps.” Discover ghostly landmarks like the Greenwich Village haunt of a poet!


  • Tutustu New Yorkin aavemaisiin kaupunginosiin
  • Mark Twainin haamu pelottaa sinua
  • Opi karmaiseva totuus hirsipuusta
  • Kuuntele tarina varapresidentin poltergeististä
  • Istu kummitusrunoilijan lempituoliin, jos uskallat!


Go on an Adventure beyond the pale as you discover Paranormal phenomena and the terrifying other-worldliness of the 'Big Apple' on a walking tour of New York's ghostlier landmarks. One of the great urban centers of the modern world, New York City also has one of the densest concentrations of paranormal phenomena. Get into the spirit of Discovery as you walk through some of the ghostlier neighborhoods. Your guide will share stories of Ghost sightings, tell Tales of antique scandals, and enlighten you on some of the haunting Mysteries of historical luminaries, such as Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, and Washington Irving. Maybe you'll catch a glimpse of the Ghost of Roosevelt's dog, ranging the park in search of the President. Dare to sit in the favorite chair of New York's Ghost poet at his favorite Greenwich Village watering hole, and learn why the expression 'dead drunk' takes on an entirely different meaning in some of the ghostlier precincts of New York. Decide for yourself if the 'City That Never Sleeps' has a spooky reason for its insomnia. IMPORTANT - Please provide an active contact telephone number to ensure your guide can reach you if necessary. - Punctuality is crucial. To respect your tour guide and fellow customers' time, it is essential that the tour concludes on time. If a group is especially enjoying a location or moving slowly, the guide will adjust the itinerary to fit the schedule. We strive to ensure you have a fantastic experience without missing any content.



Important Information

  • - Kierroksilla voi olla enintään 20 henkilöä opasta kohden. - Pyydämme käyttämään mukavia kenkiä ja vaatteita. - Tämä kierros toimii sateella tai auringonpaisteella

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