New York City: New York City Tour: Yksityinen kaupunkikierros

Retket/kierrokset Kulttuuri ja historia Aktiviteetit Good for groups Kävelykierrokset Nähtävyyskierrokset Teemaretket Tapaa paikallisia Risteily- ja vesiretket Historia ja perinne Yksityiset kierrokset Ryhmäaktiviteetit Perheille sopiva Brooklyn Walking Tours

Discover the city's heart on our Immersive walking tour experience. Explore iconic neighborhoods, uncover hidden gems, and soak in rich history with a friendly Resident as your guide.


  • Henkilökohtainen: Henkilökohtainen kierros: Yksityinen kierros, joka on räätälöity kiinnostuksen kohteidesi mukaan vain sinun ryhmäsi kanssa.
  • Intiimi: Ei ulkopuolisia, mikä takaa henkilökohtaisemman seikkailun.
  • Kokemus: Koe kaupungin kulttuuri tarinoiden ja salaisuuksien kautta.
  • Rento: Rento tahti ja lähestymistapa stressittömään tutkimiseen.
  • Tunne: Tutustu kaupunkiin kuin ystävä esittelisi sinulle paikkoja.


Welcome to the Ultimate urban adventure! Join our private walking tour led by a friendly local resident, not a professional guide, but someone who knows and loves the city. Think of it as a stroll with a good friend who is excited to show you their favorite spots. What to Expect - Personalized Experience: This is your private tour, so it's just you and your group. No outsiders, just a fun, intimate exploration. - Insights: Our guide will share personal anecdotes, local secrets, and their favorite hangouts, giving you a taste of the city's authentic culture. - Flexible Itinerary: Whether you want to wander through bustling markets, discover hidden gems, or enjoy scenic spots, your guide is here to tailor the experience to your interests. - Casual and Relaxed: Forget about rigid schedules and detailed historical facts. This is not a historical tour; it's about experiencing the city's vibe and living like a local for a few hours. Important Details - Food and Drink: Feel like grabbing a bite or a drink? Awesome! Just remember, the cost isn't included in the tour price, so you'll need to cover your own. - Transport and Attractions: This is a walking tour, so no transportation is needed. But if you prefer a quick ride somewhere, or wish to visit a paid attraction, those costs will be on you. - Comfort and Pace: We'll be walking, so wear comfortable shoes. The pace will be easy and relaxed, perfect for soaking in the sights and sounds. Get ready to explore the city in a unique, fun, and engaging way. With our friendly Resident guide, you're not just visiting the city—you're experiencing it like a true local. Book today and let's make some unforgettable memories together!


Private experience with only your group, no Outsiders Flexible itinerary tailored to your interests Personalized walking tour with a friendly Resident of the city Insider Insights into the city's culture and hidden gems Casual and relaxed exploration at your own pace

Important Information

  • Children under the age of three are admitted at no charge. If you opt to visit an attraction with an admission fee, please remember to cover the guide's entry cost. (Optional) Comfortable shoes are recommended for the walking tour. Please be punctual for the scheduled tour time. Please notify us at least 3 days in advance of any special requirements or accommodations needed.

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Olemme nyt 120+ Kohteessa ja Kasvamme. Jos olet kiinnostunut tulemaan paikalliseksi matkakumppaniksi ja haluaisit saada lisätietoa, niin klikkaa lisätietojen saamiseksi verkkosivustomme Liiketoimintamahdollisuudesta.Olemme nyt 120+ Kohteessa ja Kasvamme. Jos olet kiinnostunut tulemaan paikalliseksi matkakumppaniksi ja haluaisit saada lisätietoa, niin klikkaa lisätietojen saamiseksi verkkosivustomme Liiketoimintamahdollisuudesta.

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