自分自身のMy Guideサイトを運営したいですか?
Tastebudsct offers clients the ability to master basic cooking techniques and cultivate unique culinary experiences that clients seek to learn and to develop. Each journey will be different.
~のトップ体験とツアー New York:
ご旅行の直前に New York への旅行を予約する場合、当社にお任せください。以下は、トップのツアーや体験です!ご旅行の直前に New York への旅行を予約する場合、当社にお任せください。以下は、トップのツアーや体験です!- ニューヨーク:アイスクリーム博物館の入場チケット
- ニューアーク リバティー国際空港:ニューヨークへの片道送迎
- ニューヨーク発:ナイアガラの滝1日ツアー
- ローワー マンハッタン ツアー: ウォール ストリートと 9/11 メモリアル
- ニューヨーク:5 大アトラクションのチケット付き CityPASS®
- お客様とご相談の上、カスタム料理体験を提供します。
- あらゆる料理に役立つ基本的な調理技術を教え、開発します。
- 最後に、当店の創作料理のメニューとご馳走をお楽しみください。
Tastebuds offers a cooking experience that uniquely curates Culinary Adventures to you and your group. Whether it’s an intimate dinner for 2, or a celebration event for 20, we work directly with our clients to create their unique culinary journeys. Location of our programs and services will be determined at the convenience of the client. Our mission is to allow clients to create menus they are interested in experiencing, as well as sharing. We specialize in domestic concepts, as well as traveling abroad to various continents and regions to harvest the integrity specific cultures. In the planning stages, your mind will be the inspiration that creates your specific menu. We take great pride in delivering a memorable experience and meal to our clients. Our programs include full cooking classes for your group (hands on), or simple demonstration of recipe and process. In either choice, your guest will be rewarded with a culinary experience and a wonderful meal. In addition to unique dining experiences, we also offer seasonal cooking classes for adults and children, as well as “Schools Out Camp” for kids 5yrs of age or older.Includes
Custom program per group. Cultural and historical relevance of the adventure. Culinary instruction and demonstration. Menu of the event and culinary creations.Important Information
- Upon booking, Tastebudsct will reach out to plan your culinary adventure.